26-year-old makes a fortune with vending machines: "I'll soon be a millionaire"
Manchester (England) - Megan Healey was fed up with her job in the financial sector. The 26-year-old therefore switched to vending machines.

"My boss was just awful and I always wanted to earn my own money," Megan told the Daily Star.
Although the young woman received a good salary in finance, she finally wanted to become more independent.
As Megan was already selling cookies and energy drinks privately during her school days, she had a clever idea. She bought a used vending machine on eBay, refurbished it and filled it with drinks and snacks.
At first, business was slow. The machine, which had cost 2100 pounds (around 2500 euros), brought in just 30 pounds a month, which equates to 35 euros.
Instead of giving up, however, Megan persevered and bought more machines. The strategy paid off: The 26-year-old has since achieved a monthly income beyond even her wildest dreams.
26-year-old wants to further expand her vending machine business

According to Megan herself, she only works three days a week - but the money doesn't earn itself.
The now 27 vending machines at 18 locations - be it care homes, fitness studios or courthouses - have to be replenished regularly. In addition, the machines break down from time to time, making repairs necessary.
As the young Englishwoman cannot drive to all the locations herself, she already employs a few people. In the future, she would like to take on even more employees and open up more locations in the UK .
A single vending machine can usually hold 40 drinks and 250 snacks. Megan buys the products cheaply from wholesalers and then sells them on to her customers - sometimes at a much higher price.
Megan already earns around 7,000 pounds per month (around 8,300 euros) with her business. The Englishwoman is convinced that she will be a millionaire one day.
"I'm so motivated to earn more money that I just kept going," said Megan, visibly proud of her success so far. Incidentally, the biggest seller in many locations is Coca-Cola.