Fateful encounter: dog suddenly appears at wedding and saves his life

Argentina - Whether you believe in God, fate or karma - something definitely had a hand in this story. Because it can't have been a coincidence that a sick stray dog turned up in Argentina at a wedding full of ambitious vets.

A street dog suddenly appeared at a wedding in Argentina.
A street dog suddenly appeared at a wedding in Argentina.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/can.epa

TikToker Canepa remembers the crazy moment when a completely neglected dog suddenly came running into a meadow during the ceremony. "He looked like a puppy, had scabies and was looking for a safe place," writes the Argentinian on her video on the platform.

In the clip, you can see the four-legged friend shyly approaching the wedding party while the lesbian bride and groom say "I do".

Not only the newlyweds, but also many of their guests are veterinarians by profession. So it's no wonder that many of them immediately wanted to look after the sick dog.

One of those present even decided to take the stray dog into her care to nurse him up. "When he's better, we'll start looking for a home for him ♥️", explains user Canepa in the comments section of the video, which has already been viewed more than six million times.

TikTok video shows dog suddenly appearing at wedding

Users believe: Fate led four-legged friends to the wedding ceremony

The stray got a happy ending: a guest at the wedding adopted the sick four-legged friend.
The stray got a happy ending: a guest at the wedding adopted the sick four-legged friend.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/can.epa

"Beldi", as the furry friend was christened at the wedding, is now doing much better. An update video shows the dog with his foster parents, who shower him with love.

"This baby will have a happy ending," Canepa is certain.

She also jokes that it is hardly surprising that an abandoned dog is rescued at the wedding of two vets.

One user commented that the little dog had found the wedding ceremony because it had "smelled the happiness" and wanted to know where it had come from.

Another says: "It was no coincidence. God and the universe wanted him to get to the place where he would surely be seen with different eyes."