Macabre act of bloodshed: Woman kills man and cooks soup from his heart and penis
Peruíbe (Brazil) - Shocking discovery in São Paulo: a man (†60) was found badly beaten. A mysterious, bloodstained note raises questions.

As the Brazilian news portal G1 reports, 60-year-old homeless man Celso F. was found on the street on the morning of March 7 with several stab wounds to his neck, chest and genital area.
Particularly frightening: his throat had been cut, his heart and penis removed.
Next to him was a mysterious note describing him as a rapist - he had allegedly had sex with a "gringa" (German for foreigner).
The police immediately began an investigation and came across a woman from the same neighborhood: Josefa S. (65), who is referred to as "gringa" by the other homeless people.
Celso allegedly abused children

65-year-old Josefa was arrested on suspicion of the crime because she and Celso had repeatedly come into conflict.
During interrogation, she finally admitted to killing the man - "with the power of my mind", according to her terrifying statement.
She claimed that Celso had abused children and said himself that he deserved to die. However, the police have not yet found any evidence for these statements.
But the horror continues: Josefa is said to have grilled and distributed the severed body parts that very night. Several homeless people reported that they had been served a strange soup by her on the day of the crime.
Josefa is in custody

Josefa S. is now in custody for manslaughter.
However, the police believe that she could not have committed the gruesome murder alone. That is why her partner Robson O. (41) was also arrested. He is being investigated as an accessory.
Three other homeless people have also been targeted by the investigators.