Mother notices that the baby carriage feels "heavy": Then she finds the cause

USA - Alyssa Lyttle from North Carolina is a new mother. One day she noticed that something was wrong with her baby's stroller.

When the baby carriage became more difficult to move than usual, Alyssa took a closer look - and found the fluffy cause.
When the baby carriage became more difficult to move than usual, Alyssa took a closer look - and found the fluffy cause.  © TikTok/theadventuresofboandbear

The young woman from the USA shared a cute video on her TikTok channel, which quickly went viral.

Alyssa rocked her baby for a few minutes, but noticed that the baby carriage felt heavier than usual.

"Specifically, it felt unusually heavy," the mom told Newsweek.

When Alyssa decided to get to the bottom of it, she was surprised to discover that a four-legged culprit was the cause of the problem.

Bo the cat had turned the floor of the baby carriage into a mobile sleeping area. Now he made himself comfortable - as did the baby one floor above him.

"I thought it was very cute and funny," said Alyssa. "It reminded me that he's my baby too."

Mother hopes for a good relationship between cat and baby

As the young mother explained, she has a unique and emotional bond with her cat, forged over seven years together. "In 2018, we took Bo and his siblings in," explained Alyssa. "They all became very ill and Bo was the only survivor."

Her cat is very open-minded, but still a little unsure of the baby. However, Alyssa is confident that this will change quickly over time.

She sees the fact that Bo already wants to be close to the little new arrival and even wants to share the baby carriage with him as a good omen.