What Golden Retriever in daycare won't give up makes hearts melt

Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) - This golden retriever from Pittsburgh is more than fond of children. An Instagram video that went viral last week shows just how happy Loki is about his owners' baby. What's particularly curious is that the dog was already on fire before he had even laid eyes on the child. How did this come about?

Golden Retriever Loki was already enthusiastic about his owner's baby before he had even met it.
Golden Retriever Loki was already enthusiastic about his owner's baby before he had even met it.  © Bildmontage: Instagram/Screenshots/agoldendogmom

In the video, which is melting hearts by the dozen, you can see and read the sweet explanation. "We gave our dog a baby blanket while we were still in the hospital," reads the first caption from owner Erin Smith Holland.

A short time later, they received several photos from Loki's doggy day care center. In the pictures, the golden retriever is carrying around the blanket that smells like the newborn.

"He was so excited to have it. He's still obsessed with it three weeks later and has to sleep with the blanket," reads another caption.

So much love also touches the Instagram audience, which has already given the clip 2.8 million clicks in just one week, plus more than 100,000 likes.

But in addition to the heart emojis, something else stands out in the comment column.

Viral Instagram video shows the touching story of the golden retriever

Loki didn't want to give up the baby's blanket.
Loki didn't want to give up the baby's blanket.  © Instagram/Screenshot/agoldendogmom

In particular, new parents who have had completely different experiences with their dogs have also had their say.

One owner writes that she also tried using a baby blanket. Unfortunately, her dog peed on it in no time at all, according to the Instagram user.

"My brother and sister-in-law's golden retriever was staying with us when my niece was born. He kept trying to eat her hat that we had brought from the hospital," reports another user.

Under these circumstances, Loki's owners can be all the happier about how well the start between the Golden Retriever and their daughter went.