Woman wants to leave something with a neighbor: Suddenly Golden Retriever lets tears of laughter flow
Montreal (Canada) - Golden Retriever or cheeky dog? Male dog Charlie is the perfect symbiosis of both! This is shown by a viral TikTok hit that has had many tears of laughter flowing since last week.

In the video from Montreal, owner Lauren Lieberman repeats the same phrase over and over again: "Drop the bread". Meanwhile, her golden retriever looks at her with wide eyes - and the bread in his mouth.
The subtitle says that her dog has stolen his prey from a neighbor's porch. But the cheeky dog doesn't even think about spitting out his "find" again. Instead, he tries the puppy dog look, which makes him look like an innocent lamb.
Even his mistress's accusations of theft don't help. Even when Lieberman pokes around in the dog's mouth, she makes little headway. Charlie refuses to give up.
What the Canadian doesn't find funny at all is all the better received by the TikTok audience. More than 600,000 clicks were collected in the first week.
The video also has a happy ending.
Viral TikTok video shows stubborn golden retriever

After what feels like the hundredth request, the tough dog shows mercy and allows the bread to be taken from his mouth. Lieberman quickly throws it away so that Charlie is not tempted again.
"In this clip, we dropped something off at a neighbor's house. They live in a duplex and share a porch, and while we were there, Charlie discovered an Uber Eats bag with a piece of bread in it," the dog owner explained in an interview with Newsweek this week.
She was not concerned about the "theft", but about the health of her best friend on four paws.
"I wasn't sure how long it had been there, and I was afraid it might be moldy, so I didn't want him to eat it," Lieberman explained.
But now even she can laugh about her stubborn golden retriever again.